Terms and Conditions for Bookings at Hotel Turmhof Johanna Köckeis-Grüner Josef Schöffel-Straße 9, A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen

General Business Terms

The following general conditions for events and room reservations at Hotel Turmhof, Josef Schöffel Straße 9, 2352 Gumpoldskirchen (hereinafter referred to as the 'Hotel') are part of the contract issued by you (hereinafter referred to as the 'Guest'). The owner of Hotel Turmhof is Mrs. Johanna Köckeis-Grüner. Contrary conditions of the guest are invalid. The 'Guest' submits to these conditions as well as all relevant commercial and other regulations and, by signing, assumes liability for their compliance.

Cancellation of individual bookings/last minute bookings:

Free cancellation possible up to 72 hours before arrival. After that, the full 100% logic costs will be charged.

Cancellation Group Bookings:

Free cancellation of rooms up to 7 weeks before arrival.
50% of the agreed fee for all unsold rooms will be invoiced up to 4 weeks before arrival.
In case of cancellation within 4 weeks before arrival, 75% of all unsold rooms will be charged.
The number of rooms booked 1 week before arrival is binding and will be invoiced at 100%.

Cancellation Events:

Free cancellation up to 7 weeks before the event. After that, the room rental/accommodation will be charged in full. If the hotel is able to resell the date at short notice, the room rental/accommodation will be credited. Number of participants: The number of participants is binding one week before arrival.


The hotel is happy to provide guests with staff after 24:00. In this case, €40 per hour will be charged per employee.


Should the guest plan music during an event, we kindly request them to submit the necessary registrations to AKM in a timely and personal manner. Local night-time rest periods must be observed!

Food and beverages brought in:

Food and beverages brought in: Bringing food and beverages for consumption in public areas and facilities of the hotel is not permitted. Exceptions are possible with explicit approval from the management.

Building up seminar equipment/decorations:

The guest is obliged to inform the hotel of the intended installation of decoration materials or other items and to obtain consent. The event rooms must not be damaged.

Termination by the Hotel:

The Hotel is entitled to terminate the contractual relationship at any time and without stating reasons if
1) the reputation and security of the Hotel are at risk
2) Agreed deposits have not been paid
3) The event interferes with the smooth operation of the Hotel
4) The room is sublet to third parties without the knowledge of the Hotel
5) Force majeure prevails. 
The guest is not entitled to claim damages.


Reservations must be confirmed by authorized and signing individuals. These individuals are therefore jointly and severally liable for the fulfillment of all agreements with the hotel. 

Items and valuables brought in: The hotel is not liable for any loss or damage to items and valuables brought in. The organizer is responsible for obtaining any specific insurance. 

Valuables can be deposited free of charge in the room safes provided. Prices: All prices are in Euro, including all taxes and fees; valid until further notice.


Deposits: After confirming a group reservation/event, we require a minimum deposit of 30% of the expected revenue, but no later than 3 weeks before arrival to be transferred to our bank account at Raiffeisen Regionalbank Mödling IBAN AT 363 225 000 000 421008.

Invoices are payable immediately without deduction. In case of late payment, we are forced to charge default interest of 4 % above the respective bank rate, as well as additional reminder and collection fees..Jurisdiction: Mödling is agreed upon as the place of jurisdiction.

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